Friday 7 May 2010

Selling A Timeshare Yourself - Tips On How To Succeed

Selling a timeshare yourself can be a bit daunting, but when it comes to selling your timeshare there are a few things you need to consider.

There are several reasons why you may be selling a timeshare; maybe you find travelling a bit more difficult now or you may need to release some capital. Then again, perhaps you have had a positive experience but wish to move on to a different timeshare deal. As with most things, there is more than one way to reach an objective and perhaps not surprisingly, there is more than one way to sell a timeshare.

With timeshares, you options are limited. You may be required to pay a deposit should you use a broker before they will do anything at all. There may also be other fees that are payable after the sale. This of course means that care is essential when choosing a broker. To avoid some of these additional costs, selling a timeshare on your own may be the best way if you have the time and the knowledge you need.

The first thing you should know about selling a timeshare is that you should not rush the process, particularly as you are likely to be dealing with the laws of another country. Your first port-of-call should be the resort where you have your timeshare. It is wise to ask the resort owners as they will be familiar with their marketplace in their own country, and are the most likely to have a genuine interest in the sale for their own reasons. They may even have a waiting list of prospects they can put you in touch with.

It's worth considering using the same legal service you did initially if you were happy with them, as they will already be familiar with you and your market.

The Internet is also a very useful tool and you will be able to get a few ballpark estimates of the value of your timeshare based on the details you enter. Of course such estimates may vary widely, but they will give you a range at which to pitch your sale. In general terms, you will get interest if you pitch your price too high, but get it below market value and you'll get floods of people hammering down your door! Obviously you want to get as much money as possible, but try to aim at a figure that will get a few interested, but be mindful, they may try to beat the price down so know your base figure!

A further benefit of the Internet is of course advertising. Find all the free ad sites, and put as much information and photographs as you can in your advert. Don't forget to give an email address where you can be contacted. It may be an idea to create a new email account just for this. This will avoid you getting a load of spam coming into your personal mailbox!

Lastly, get yourself a good book on selling a timeshare yourself and read it carefully. If you know someone who has already been through the process, all the better. The bottom line is of course, be cautious, and do not part company with any capital unless you are completely aware of the consequences and you will have a successful sale of your worldwide timeshare.

Timeshare Companies - Do You Need One?

If you are thinking about buying a timeshare you may have encountered timeshare companies and wondered what they did. You will find that timeshare resale companies will differ in the way they operate. However, basically they act as the middle man between the buyer and the timeshare owner. The latter may be a resort or an existing owner).
A timeshare allows those who either can´t afford, or do not want the responsibility of their own holiday home to have the best of both worlds. A timeshare is a shared ownership in a vacation property that allows the purchaser to use that property at a specific time of the year. Taking your vacation at the same place and time every year is not ideal for everyone. However, it is also possible to exchange weeks with owners of other properties and/or buy a timeshare that includes flexible dates. Flexible timeshares are not offered by all timeshare resale companies, so make sure you ask.

You can not stress enough that you should always do some thorough research on the timeshare companies and the resort of interest.

The ownership of a timeshare is not always related to property in the traditional sense. Timeshare companies can also handle for you to obtain shares in cabins on cruise liners and even in vehicles such as camper vans. The timeshare horror stories you may have heard of in the past are not as likely now since the industry is now a more flexible industry that offers something for everyone.

Although you don´t have to pay a rental fee for a timeshare property during your specific week/s of use, you would be responsible with the other owners for maintenance and management costs. This may not be just restricted to the property but applies to the facilities (for example, swimming pools, tennis courts, sauna) as well. So do make sure you are aware of the costs before you buy. The better timeshare resale companies will have this sort of information readily to hand and should be included in any contract you sign.

You can find timeshare resale companies that run exchange programs as well. These will allow you get x amount of weeks every year in multiple resorts that participate in the program. Such programs may relate to resorts in one country or internationally.

So you see there is more to a timeshare than there used to be. Do not be put off by the bad press that you may have seen in the past, this is much improved but there are some bad eggs out there! Make sure you do your homework and remain vigilant and remember that a timeshare is a great way to vacation! Check out the timeshare companies and see what you can come up with.